Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Phillies y El Servicio Militar [EN] [ES]

George Phillies for President 2008

Saturday, November 03, 2007

Phillies: End Draft Registration

Not long after the United States entered the war in Iraq, Congressional Democrats introduced legislation to reinstate the draft. At the time, many felt that the legislation was more as a political stunt than a plan to generate more troops.

Now the army has begun its year with fewer recruits signed up than any year since 1973. In response, Congress has proposed giving citizenship to illegal immigrants to volunteer for the Army. The State Department has deployed in Iraq a host of mercenaries, hired guns infamous for shooting with abandon at our Iraqi allies. Democrats are once again floating the idea of a draft.

"It's time to remove temptation from the Bush Administration and Congress," said George Phillies, former Army Reservist and front-running Libertarian Presidential candidate for President. "It's time to end Selective Service Registration and end this notion of a draft before George Bush launches another war."

Phillies pointed out the long-time Army position: It will take longer and cost more to build training camps for an army of draftees than it takes to process them. Money spent on Selective Service is money wasted: It should go to training and equipping our fighting army.

"Warfare in central Asia is not like World War II, with hundreds of riflemen charging up hills. To capture Osama Bin Laden, we need precision operations carried out by small special operations units. That kind of military requires motivated professionals, not conscripts with no interest in fighting.

If the military needs more men and women, it should start by ending "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" and allow openly gay and lesbian soldiers to serve. To some people that's as radical as General Patton's suggestion over sixty years ago that he should put African-American riflemen in the trenches with whites. Patton was right. We should learn from our mistakes.

"After 9-11 men and women from all walks of life volunteered in record numbers. They did not need to be drafted. Their good faith was betrayed by their commander in chief and his war in Iraq and now recruiting numbers are down. End the betrayal, end the War on Iraq, and our military's problems will solve themselves.

"I unequivocally oppose a draft. The Libertarian Party unequivocally opposes a draft. Vote your conscience. Vote Libertarian. Vote for Phillies."

To support the George Phillies campaign, please visit http://phillies2008.org/donation today.
Contact Information:

Carolyn Marbry, Press Director pressdirector@phillies2008.org
(510) 276-3216
George Phillies for President 2008 http://phillies2008.org

Phillies y El Partido Libertario quieren acabar con la propuesta de los Republicanos/Democratas para restituir el servicio obligatorio de los militares. Tambien quieren acabar con la ley promulgada por ambos partidos del registro servicio obligatorio. Esa ley obliga a los que viven en EEUU [sin importar estatus] registrarse con esta entidad para ser reclutado en caso de una Guerra. Claro, siempre los pobres, la clase media, y los distintos grupos etnicos terminan haciendo el trabajo sucio de la clase gobernante de los Republicanos/Democratas. VOTA AMERICANO!!!!VOTA LIBERTARIO!!!!!

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