Sunday, July 20, 2008

Christ in Christmas

Why should Christians not celebrate Christmas? Christmas is the beginning of a true revolution that occurred over 2000 years ago in a Manger in Bethlehem, Israel. It was in this era that Joseph and Mary went to Bethlehem went to be counted in a census of the Roman Empire while Herod was a Puppet King [and possibly an ancestor of the Bushes, Castro, and Chavez] who was practicing all forms of immorality with the ancestors of Madonna, Rosie O Donnell, Portia La Rissa, Britney Spears, and Paris Hilton. The fact that Three Kings went to adore the Newborn King Jesus and there was proff in China that a Chinese Emperor went to adore the Newborn King was a Revolution in itself.

For too long, the Christians have had to turn the other cheek while Muslims could openly celebrate their feasts of Eid. While I do not want to criticize the Islamic Population, I would like to point out that they celebrate their holidays publicly in America while Christians cannot celebrate in America because of ridiculous laws based on a political correctness that has sprawled out of control. The same Muslims that celebrate Eid in the Americas celebrate their holidays in their countries while Christians cannot celebrate [in some extent] in the Middle East. Of course, there has been exceptions in Iran and Pakistan.

The Buddhists and Jews can celebrate but we cannot say Merry Christmas. We have to say Happy Holidays in order to be politically correct. This is unfair and discriminatory against the Christian Faith of which I subscribe to. This also goes against my belief of the Live and Let Live Policy in which people are accepted for what they are on the inside and can celebrate as long as nothing and no one is infringed on. My Live and Let Live Policy is based on the thoughts of Deng Xiaoping who once said: "Who Cares if a Cat is Black or White, as long as it catches Mice". The fact that Christians be prohibited from celebrating Christmas not only goes against my beliefs that I have expressed but goes against the grain of human nature.

May the world including those inside the United States of America be reminded of the following: that America is a predominantly Christian Nation and that Christmas should be celebrated and exalted as a religious holiday, a revolution in which peace not war predominates, and as a Winter Festival. If there are people inside the United States of America who do not want to accept this reality, my suggestion is to pack your luggage, bags, Taliban like clothing, and take the next airplane and return to where you came from so that you could celebrate what you want to celebrate.

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