Monday, July 28, 2008

"The Green Party is the Imperative"

"The Green Party is the Imperative"
On July 12th, the Green Party nominated former U.S. Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney and Hip-Hop activist and journalist Rosa Clemente as presidential and vice presidential contenders on the Green Party ballot line. By doing so the Green Party nominated the first all women-of-color slate to run a national ticket in U.S. history. The campaign has less than two weeks to qualify for federal matching funds for this election cycle.

Speaking at the Green Party convention, Congresswoman McKinney said: "I'm looking forward to what we can build together. Our country has been hijacked and it will take all of us working together, going into places we've never been in order to spread the news that there is a political party that means what it says and does what it means".
To do that, we need your help . Go to to get involved. During her acceptance speech at the Convention, Rosa Clemente said: "The Green Party is no longer the alternative, the Green Party is the imperative". You know it's true, help spread the word click here to tell a friend.

Cynthia McKinney speech at the Green Party convention:
TELL A FRIEND: click here.
PS: The campaign has less than two weeks to qualify for federal matching funds for this election cycle. Go to to find out how you can make it happen

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