Thursday, July 24, 2008



After reading the Libertarian Press Release about fellow Ohioan John Boner, sorry I meant John Boehner; I have decided to issue my rebuttal to this individual and a response to the latest Libertarian Party Press Release.

John Boehner and his fellow Republicans including John Mc Cain [as well as the Democrats under Barack Obama] are evil. After all Boehner said that the Republicans were the lesser of the two evils. The Republicans and Democrats are evil [If Boehner says Republicans are the less of two evils than both parties must be evil] who only crave total control, runaway government, and putting what was once a great nation under peril. Is this the United States of America that we want for our future generations?

The Republicans and Democrats have created the economic mess including the mediocre response to victims of Hurricane Katrina which included Government Intervention. The Libertarians [on an individual basis] were there to help Katrina Victims. If the Libertarians had remained, New Orleans may have been restored to its former glory. At the present time, New Orleans appears like Bagdad.

The Republicans and Democrats engineered a regime change in Iraq based on a LIE. We are paying with the lives of soldiers and with an increasing censorship that waters down the Constitution and takes away our right to express ourselves. We have paid with hatred within families, dissolution of friendships and divided communities secondary to the foolishness of being Republican or Democrat.

The Housing Crisis and the Energy Crisis goes from bad to worse with each intervention by Washington. We pay for the mistakes that people make and our deficit increases. Our Inflation is increasing and our Infrastructure is deteriorating to the point that future generations may well curse us for leaving them in a position that currently exists in North Korea, Cuba, and Zimbabwe.

The people of the United States of America [my country of birth and where I was raised] are masters of their own destiny. This is the reason for the existence of the United States of America as written in the most thought provoking and revolutionary documents of humanity called The Declaration of Independence and the 1787 Constitution. While I respect the rights of others to commit suicide by voting Republican and Democrat, my right to support Bob Barr and the Libertarian Party must be respected.

I am supporting and voting for Bob Barr, Wayne Allyn Root, and the Libertarian Party because of the fact that the Republicans and Democrats are bankrupt and dying parties who are taking the United States of America with them. I can no longer accept the status quo as it is since it will lead our great country to end up as a failed state or in the dustbin of history like Czechoslovakia and Yugoslavia. In a worst case scenario, the United States of America could be defeated by the External Enemy secondary to the ignorance of its own people and be conquered by the External Enemy. For those who say that it cannot happen in America, please read your World History and look at what happened in Germany under Hitler, Cuba under Castro, and Zimbabwe under Mugabe taking into account that Hitler and Mugabe were elected.

I am supporting Bob Barr, Wayne Allyn Root, and the Libertarian Party since they represent the true interests of the United States and an adherence to the Constitution. Bob Barr, Wayne Allyn Root, and the Libertarian Party are against the excesses of Government Control and wants people to make decisions concerning their future without the need for Big Brother. Bob Barr, Wayne Allyn Root, and the Libertarian Party represent:

1. The rights of people who want to own a gun for their own defense.

2. A Sound Economic Policy without the presence of Alphabet Soup Departments such as FDIC, Federal Reserve, IMF, and WB [World Bank not Warner Brothers].

3. Withdrawal of all US Troops from the Middle East and Korea as well as a withdrawal of the US from International Organizations such as NATO, OAS, and UN [who have actually damaged our interests]. The American Troops stationed overseas as well as people willing to defend our borders can do a better job defending us.

4. Transparency in the Government within all levels [including Federal, State, County, and Municipal].

5. Term Limits for ALL Politicians. After all, the Government of the United States of America is based on the people being served instead of us playing butler and maid to a Republican and Democratic Party that has behaved in recent years like royalty.

My vote is for Bob Barr, Wayne Allyn Root, and the Libertarian Party since they are the ONLY SANE Solution to the problems facing America. In Liberty.

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