Monday, April 13, 2009
Piratas en EEUU
El Mundo fue testigo del rescate de un capitán de los Estados Unidos de Norteamérica entre las costas de Somalia y Kenia. El capitán del buque y los tripulantes era rehén de los piratas somalí. Me alegro que el capitán fuera rescatado y que todo saliera bien.
El único desacuerdo fue cuando los Republicanos y Demócratas que violan los derechos humanos dentro de los Estados Unidos de Norteamérica hablan de una guerra contra la piratería. Los Republicanos/Demócratas son creadores de las guerras como la Guerra Contra El Terrorismo, la Guerra Contra Las Drogas, y otras guerras tontas.
Con que derecho tiene los Republicanos y Demócratas en hablar acerca de una guerra contra la piratería cuando ellos son piratas. Los Republicanos y Demócratas lograron secuestrar a la Constitución de los Estados Unidos de Norteamérica con sus Leyes “Patrióticas” y su Departamento de Seguridad Interna.
La Oligarquía de Los Republicanos y Demócratas como buen pirata están arrestando a los Independientes, Libertarios, y otros partidos en el Estado de Missouri. Los cargos son piratería y terrorismo cuando los crímenes de verdad es mostrar el verdadero rostro de los Estados Unidos de Norteamérica. Parece que los Republicanos y Demócratas temen la verdad y no quieren un pueblo informado.
Que se espera de una oligarquía que habla tanto de derechos humanos pero nulificaron las peticiones de otros partidos, cancelaron su derecho en participar en debates, y hasta amenazaron con arrestos y cárcel a los que no están de acuerdo con su régimen.
Los distintos pueblos de los Estados Unidos de Norteamérica puede ser dueño de su propio destino. Su tarea consiste en informarse acerca de la verdad de los piratas que gobiernan a los EEUU. Hay que quitar a los Piratas denominados
Republicanos/Demócratas que saquean al país con su intervención en exceso en los asuntos internos de la ciudadanía.
Hay que acabar con los Piratas Republicanos/Demócratas que crearon odios y divisiones para avanzar su política de mantenerse en el poder. Hay que acabar con los Piratas Republicanos/Demócratas que hablan de libertad, fraternidad, y la verdad pero no lo quieren practicar.
Hay que acabar con los Piratas Republicanos/Demócratas y su abuso de la palabra y el concepto “Patriotismo” para políticas baratas y demagógicas.
La solución Anti Pirata es el Partido Libertario para los Estados Unidos de Norteamérica. El Partido Libertario es un partido que favorece la economía del mercado, la no intervención del estado en los asuntos personales, el respeto, la dignidad, y el deseo de superarse sin miedo. Veremos que sucede en el presente y el futuro.
Saturday, April 11, 2009
State Constitutions and God
Do you know the Preamble for your state?
I found this very interesting.
Do you know the Preamble for your state? . . ..
Be sure to read the message in red at the bottom!
Alabama 1901, Preamble We the people of the State of Alabama , invoking the favor and guidance of Almighty God, do ordain and establish the following Constitution..
Alaska 1956, Preamble We, the people of Alaska , grateful to God and to those who founded our nation and pioneered this great land.
Arizona 1911, Preamble We, the people of the State of Arizona , grateful to Almighty God for our liberties, do ordain this Constitution...
Arkansas 1874, Preamble We, the people of the State of Arkansas , grateful to Almighty God for the privilege of choosing our own form of government...
California 1879, Preamble We, the People of the State of California , grateful to Almighty God for our freedom....
Colorado 1876, Preamble We, the people of Colorado , with profound reverence for the Supreme Ruler of Universe...
Connecticut 1818, Preamble. The People of Connecticut, acknowledging with gratitude the good Providence of God in permitting them to enjoy.
Delaware 1897, Preamble Through Divine Goodness all men have, by nature, the rights of worshiping and serving their Creator according to the dictates of their consciences.
Florida 1885, Preamble We, the people of the State of Florida , grateful to Almighty God for our constitutional liberty, establish this Constitution...
Georgia 1777, Preamble We, the people of Georgia , relying upon protection and guidance of Almighty God, do ordain and establish this Constitution...
Hawaii 1959, Preamble We , the people of Hawaii , Grateful for Divine Guidance ... Establish this Constitution.
Idaho 1889, Preamble We, the people of the State of Idaho , grateful to Almighty God for our freedom, to secure its blessings.
Illinois 1870, Preamble We, the people of the State of Illinois, grateful to Almighty God for the civil , political and religious liberty which He hath so long permitted us to enjoy and looking to Him for a blessing on our endeavors.
Indiana 1851, Preamble We, the People of the State of Indiana , grateful to Almighty God for the free exercise of the right to choose our form of government.
Iowa 1857, Preamble We, the People of the St ate of Iowa , grateful to the Supreme Being for the blessings hitherto enjoyed, and feeling our dependence on Him for a continuation of these blessings, establish this Constitution.
Kansas 1859, Preamble We, the people of Kansas , grateful to Almighty God for our civil and religious privileges establish this Constitution.
Kentucky 1891, Preamble. We, the people of the Commonwealth are grateful to Almighty God for the civil, political and religious liberties..
Louisiana 1921, Preamble We, the people of the State of Louisiana, grateful to Almighty God for the civil, political and religious liberties we enjoy.
Maine 1820, Preamble We the People of Maine acknowledging with grateful hearts the goodness of the Sovereign Ruler of the Universe in affording us an opportunity .. And imploring His aid and direction.
Maryland 1776, Preamble We, the people of the state of Maryland, grateful to Almighty God for our civil and religious liberty...
Massachusetts 1780, Preamble We...the people of Massachusetts, acknowledging with grateful hearts, the goodness of the Great Legislator of the Universe In the course of His Providence, an opportunity and devoutly imploring His direction .
Michigan 1908, Preamble. We, the people of the State of Michigan , grateful to Almighty God for the blessings of freedom, establish this Constitution.
Minnesota, 1857, Preamble We, the people of the State of Minnesota, grateful to God for our civil and religious liberty, and desiring to perpetuate its blessings:
Mississippi 1890, Preamble We, the people of Mississippi in convention assembled, grateful to Almighty God, and invoking His blessing on our work.
Missouri 1845, Preamble We, the people of Missouri, with profound reverence for the Supreme Ruler of the Universe, and grateful for His goodness . Establish this Constitution....
Montana 1889, Preamble. We, the people of Montana , grateful to Almighty God for the blessings of liberty establish this Constitution ..
Nebraska 1875, Preamble We, the people, grateful to Almighty God for our freedom . Establish this Constitution.
Nevada 1864, Preamble We the people of the State of Nevada, grateful to Almighty God for our freedom, establish this Constitution...
New Hampshire 1792, Part I. Art. I. Sec. V Every individual has a natural and unalienable right to worship God according to the dictates of his own conscience.
New Jersey 1844, Preamble We, the people of the State of New Jersey, grateful to Almighty God for civil and religious liberty which He hath so long permitted us to enjoy, and looking to Him for a blessing on our endeavors.
New Mexico 1911, Preamble We, the People of New Mexico, grateful to Almighty God for the blessings of liberty..
New York 1846, Preamble We, the people of the State of New York, grateful to Almighty God for our freedom, in order to secure its blessings.
North Carolina 1868, Preamble We the people of the State of North Carolina, grateful to Almighty God, the Sovereign Ruler of Nations, for our civil, political, and religious liberties, and acknowledging our dependence upon Him for the continuance of those...
North Dakota 1889, Preamble We , the people of North Dakota , grateful to Almighty God for the blessings of civil and religious liberty, do ordain...
Ohio 1852, Preamble We the people of the state of Ohio, grateful to Almighty God for our freedom, to secure its blessings and to promote our common.
Oklahoma 1907, Preamble Invoking the guidance of Almighty God, in order to secure and perpetuate the blessings of liberty, establish this
Oregon 1857, Bill of Rights, Article I Section 2. All men shall be secure in the Natural right, to worship Almighty God according to the dictates of their consciences
Pennsylvania 1776, Preamble We, the people of Pennsylvania, grateful to Almighty God for the blessings of civil and religious liberty, and humbly invoking His guidance....
Rhode Island 1842, Preamble. We the People of the State of Rhode Island grateful to Almighty God for the civil and religious liberty which He hath so long permitted us to enjoy, and looking to Him for a blessing...
South Carolina, 1778, Preamble We, the people of he State of South Carolina grateful to God for our liberties, do ordain and establish this Constitution.
South Dakota 1889, Preamble We, the people of South Dakota, grateful to Almighty God for our civil and religious liberties .
Tennessee 1796, Art. XI.III. That all men have a natural and indefeasible right to worship Almighty God according to the dictates of their conscience...
Texas 1845, Preamble We the People of the Republic of Texas , acknowledging, with gratitude, the grace and beneficence of God.
Utah 1896, Preamble Grateful to Almighty God for life and liberty, we establish this Constitution.
Vermont 1777, Preamble Whereas all government ought to enable the individuals who compose it to enjoy their natural rights, and other blessings which the Author of Existence has bestowed on man .
Virginia 1776, Bill of Rights, XVI Religion, or the Duty which we owe our Creator can be directed only by Reason and that it is the mutual duty of all to practice Christian Forbearance, Love and Charity towards each other
Washington 1889, Preamble We the People of the State of Washington , grateful to the Supreme Ruler of the Universe for our liberties, do ordain this Constitution
West Virginia 1872, Preamble Since through Divine Providence we enjoy the blessings of civil, political and religious liberty, we, the people of West Virginia reaffirm our faith in and constant reliance upon God ...
Wisconsin 1848, Preamble We, the people of Wisconsin , grateful to Almighty God for our freedom, domestic tranquility...
Wyoming 1890, Preamble We, the people of the State of Wyoming , grateful to God for our civil, political, and religious liberties, establish this Constitution...
After reviewing acknowledgments of God from all 50 state constitutions, one is faced with the prospect that maybe, the ACLU and the out-of-control federal courts are wrong! If you found this to be 'Food for thought' send to as many as you think will be enlightened as I hope you were.
(Please note that at no time is anyone told that they MUST worship God.)
'Those people who will not be governed by God will be ruled by tyrants.' - William Penn
I found this very interesting.
Do you know the Preamble for your state? . . ..
Be sure to read the message in red at the bottom!
Alabama 1901, Preamble We the people of the State of Alabama , invoking the favor and guidance of Almighty God, do ordain and establish the following Constitution..
Alaska 1956, Preamble We, the people of Alaska , grateful to God and to those who founded our nation and pioneered this great land.
Arizona 1911, Preamble We, the people of the State of Arizona , grateful to Almighty God for our liberties, do ordain this Constitution...
Arkansas 1874, Preamble We, the people of the State of Arkansas , grateful to Almighty God for the privilege of choosing our own form of government...
California 1879, Preamble We, the People of the State of California , grateful to Almighty God for our freedom....
Colorado 1876, Preamble We, the people of Colorado , with profound reverence for the Supreme Ruler of Universe...
Connecticut 1818, Preamble. The People of Connecticut, acknowledging with gratitude the good Providence of God in permitting them to enjoy.
Delaware 1897, Preamble Through Divine Goodness all men have, by nature, the rights of worshiping and serving their Creator according to the dictates of their consciences.
Florida 1885, Preamble We, the people of the State of Florida , grateful to Almighty God for our constitutional liberty, establish this Constitution...
Georgia 1777, Preamble We, the people of Georgia , relying upon protection and guidance of Almighty God, do ordain and establish this Constitution...
Hawaii 1959, Preamble We , the people of Hawaii , Grateful for Divine Guidance ... Establish this Constitution.
Idaho 1889, Preamble We, the people of the State of Idaho , grateful to Almighty God for our freedom, to secure its blessings.
Illinois 1870, Preamble We, the people of the State of Illinois, grateful to Almighty God for the civil , political and religious liberty which He hath so long permitted us to enjoy and looking to Him for a blessing on our endeavors.
Indiana 1851, Preamble We, the People of the State of Indiana , grateful to Almighty God for the free exercise of the right to choose our form of government.
Iowa 1857, Preamble We, the People of the St ate of Iowa , grateful to the Supreme Being for the blessings hitherto enjoyed, and feeling our dependence on Him for a continuation of these blessings, establish this Constitution.
Kansas 1859, Preamble We, the people of Kansas , grateful to Almighty God for our civil and religious privileges establish this Constitution.
Kentucky 1891, Preamble. We, the people of the Commonwealth are grateful to Almighty God for the civil, political and religious liberties..
Louisiana 1921, Preamble We, the people of the State of Louisiana, grateful to Almighty God for the civil, political and religious liberties we enjoy.
Maine 1820, Preamble We the People of Maine acknowledging with grateful hearts the goodness of the Sovereign Ruler of the Universe in affording us an opportunity .. And imploring His aid and direction.
Maryland 1776, Preamble We, the people of the state of Maryland, grateful to Almighty God for our civil and religious liberty...
Massachusetts 1780, Preamble We...the people of Massachusetts, acknowledging with grateful hearts, the goodness of the Great Legislator of the Universe In the course of His Providence, an opportunity and devoutly imploring His direction .
Michigan 1908, Preamble. We, the people of the State of Michigan , grateful to Almighty God for the blessings of freedom, establish this Constitution.
Minnesota, 1857, Preamble We, the people of the State of Minnesota, grateful to God for our civil and religious liberty, and desiring to perpetuate its blessings:
Mississippi 1890, Preamble We, the people of Mississippi in convention assembled, grateful to Almighty God, and invoking His blessing on our work.
Missouri 1845, Preamble We, the people of Missouri, with profound reverence for the Supreme Ruler of the Universe, and grateful for His goodness . Establish this Constitution....
Montana 1889, Preamble. We, the people of Montana , grateful to Almighty God for the blessings of liberty establish this Constitution ..
Nebraska 1875, Preamble We, the people, grateful to Almighty God for our freedom . Establish this Constitution.
Nevada 1864, Preamble We the people of the State of Nevada, grateful to Almighty God for our freedom, establish this Constitution...
New Hampshire 1792, Part I. Art. I. Sec. V Every individual has a natural and unalienable right to worship God according to the dictates of his own conscience.
New Jersey 1844, Preamble We, the people of the State of New Jersey, grateful to Almighty God for civil and religious liberty which He hath so long permitted us to enjoy, and looking to Him for a blessing on our endeavors.
New Mexico 1911, Preamble We, the People of New Mexico, grateful to Almighty God for the blessings of liberty..
New York 1846, Preamble We, the people of the State of New York, grateful to Almighty God for our freedom, in order to secure its blessings.
North Carolina 1868, Preamble We the people of the State of North Carolina, grateful to Almighty God, the Sovereign Ruler of Nations, for our civil, political, and religious liberties, and acknowledging our dependence upon Him for the continuance of those...
North Dakota 1889, Preamble We , the people of North Dakota , grateful to Almighty God for the blessings of civil and religious liberty, do ordain...
Ohio 1852, Preamble We the people of the state of Ohio, grateful to Almighty God for our freedom, to secure its blessings and to promote our common.
Oklahoma 1907, Preamble Invoking the guidance of Almighty God, in order to secure and perpetuate the blessings of liberty, establish this
Oregon 1857, Bill of Rights, Article I Section 2. All men shall be secure in the Natural right, to worship Almighty God according to the dictates of their consciences
Pennsylvania 1776, Preamble We, the people of Pennsylvania, grateful to Almighty God for the blessings of civil and religious liberty, and humbly invoking His guidance....
Rhode Island 1842, Preamble. We the People of the State of Rhode Island grateful to Almighty God for the civil and religious liberty which He hath so long permitted us to enjoy, and looking to Him for a blessing...
South Carolina, 1778, Preamble We, the people of he State of South Carolina grateful to God for our liberties, do ordain and establish this Constitution.
South Dakota 1889, Preamble We, the people of South Dakota, grateful to Almighty God for our civil and religious liberties .
Tennessee 1796, Art. XI.III. That all men have a natural and indefeasible right to worship Almighty God according to the dictates of their conscience...
Texas 1845, Preamble We the People of the Republic of Texas , acknowledging, with gratitude, the grace and beneficence of God.
Utah 1896, Preamble Grateful to Almighty God for life and liberty, we establish this Constitution.
Vermont 1777, Preamble Whereas all government ought to enable the individuals who compose it to enjoy their natural rights, and other blessings which the Author of Existence has bestowed on man .
Virginia 1776, Bill of Rights, XVI Religion, or the Duty which we owe our Creator can be directed only by Reason and that it is the mutual duty of all to practice Christian Forbearance, Love and Charity towards each other
Washington 1889, Preamble We the People of the State of Washington , grateful to the Supreme Ruler of the Universe for our liberties, do ordain this Constitution
West Virginia 1872, Preamble Since through Divine Providence we enjoy the blessings of civil, political and religious liberty, we, the people of West Virginia reaffirm our faith in and constant reliance upon God ...
Wisconsin 1848, Preamble We, the people of Wisconsin , grateful to Almighty God for our freedom, domestic tranquility...
Wyoming 1890, Preamble We, the people of the State of Wyoming , grateful to God for our civil, political, and religious liberties, establish this Constitution...
After reviewing acknowledgments of God from all 50 state constitutions, one is faced with the prospect that maybe, the ACLU and the out-of-control federal courts are wrong! If you found this to be 'Food for thought' send to as many as you think will be enlightened as I hope you were.
(Please note that at no time is anyone told that they MUST worship God.)
'Those people who will not be governed by God will be ruled by tyrants.' - William Penn
Friday, April 3, 2009
El Peo de Maradona
No podemos negar el lugar de Diego Armando Maradona en la historia del futbol en lo bueno, lo malo, y lo bochornoso. Tampoco se puede negar los propósitos de Maradona terminan en un peo.
En uno de los juegos vitales para la clasificación para la Copa Mundial 2010, Argentina sufrió una derrota de alta magnitud frente a Bolivia. La perdida fue el peo enorme que tiro Maradona en su tres décadas de tirarse un peo durante su jugada. Imagínate si Maradona tendrá que pagar el impuesto de los verdes debido a los peos.
Cuando Maradona comenzó como técnico del equipo nacional de la República Argentina, el mundo incluyendo Argentina pensó que habrá progreso para el equipo. No podemos negar quizás el progreso en cuanto a la publicidad por cada payasearía de un adicto a las drogas siendo técnico de un equipo con el prestigio de la República Argentina.
Argentina no tenia la capacidad, tenacidad, disciplina del equipo boliviano que dominaba el juego desde un principio. Parece que Argentina vivía de las glorias pasadas de su jefe Maradona. Con el idilio romántico del pasado, no tenían la fuerza de los bolivianos.
Que triste pues Argentina y Brasil eran los equipos de las grandes ligas en el futbol del Continente Americano. En realidad, una de mis preferencias es Brasil desde la época del astro Pele.
Maradona parece haber estado en su estado de las drogas con su método de ser técnico. Quizás Maradona estaba adicto a sus peos y no quería molestarse con el equipo argentino. No obstante, Argentina salió perdiendo como una emperatriz en cuero.
El equipo de futbol de Bolivia mostro que existe lo incierto en los deportes. Bolivia con su tenacidad, disciplina, capacidad, y organización mostro ser un equipo proactivo. Bolivia no tenia estado de agotamiento comparado con el equipo argentino.
Bolivia mostro que existe otros equipos en América Latina que merecen el respeto y atención de las Ligas Internacionales.
Mis felicidades a los hermanos bolivianos por su victoria aplastante en el juego contra Argentina.
Argentina debe pensar en su futuro en la Copa Mundial 2010. Lo mejor que puede hacer es reemplazar a Maradona con otro técnico quizás Riquelme y/u otro que conoce el significado del orgullo nacional del futbol.
Si el equipo nacional de la República Argentina sigue con Maradona, habrá peos y mierda en el camino. Argentina no merece el castigo de un drogadicto como técnico de su equipo nacional.
Respuesta a "Obama y la Conspiración Totalitaria"
Respuesta a "Obama y la Conspiración Totalitaria"
He tenido el honor y placer de publicar el artículo de “Obama y La Conspiración Totalitaria” escrito por José Brechner. En su artículo, el Sr. Brechner hablo de la imposición de un régimen caudillista, socialista, e islámica por Obama en los Estados Unidos de Norteamérica.
No podemos negar que estamos presenciando un cambio revolucionario en los Estados Unidos de Norteamérica. Hablare a base de experiencia siendo un latino nacido en los Estados Unidos de Norteamérica. Basta para decir que el proceso hacia un régimen totalitario empezaba con los Republicanos y Demócratas antes de la llegada de Obama.
Desde el 11 de Septiembre 2001, hemos visto la creación de una sociedad dividida, la gente teniendo que hacer sacrificios, y la creación de un Departamento de la Patria.
El propósito es sembrar división entre familia, amistades, y dentro de la oposición libertaria e independiente con la meta siendo la creación de un estado totalitario. El proceso ha sido refinado por Obama y compañía.
Además de un dirigente popular [Bush nunca fue popular], fue necesario buscar chivos expiatorios. En la Primera Guerra Mundial eran los alemanes. En la Segunda Guerra Mundial eran los japoneses. En el mundo de hoy, eran los islámicos y “no americanos” bajo Bush y la economía del mercado bajo Obama.
Aquí, existe en la palestra de la discusión estadounidense las palabras como guerra y ley marcial desde el 11 de Septiembre mezclado con nacionalización y lucha de clase desde los comicios de 2008. Veo una mezcla del Socialismo del Siglo XXI [Los de América Latina eran títeres de Washington] con el Nazismo.
Muchos han preguntado porque el pueblo americano no se dan cuenta de lo que sucede. He escuchado comentarios de que los americanos se darán cuenta cuando pierden la patria. He aquí la diferencia.
Desde el 2001, aparece otra palabra utilizada por primera vez desde los 1860’s. La palabra es separatismo. Hay veces que estoy convencido que un intento de implementar un régimen totalitario conducirá hacia la disolución de los Estados Unidos de Norteamérica en distintas repúblicas según las etnias y los estados.
Existen movimientos para la independencia de Texas, Ohio, Michigan, Vermont, Nuevo Hampshire, Alaska, y Hawái. Hay grupos étnicos como los pueblos indígenas de la Dakota que declararon su independencia.
La fuerza de los separatistas es de tal magnitud que 20% del Estado de Vermont quiere la independencia y son de tendencia izquierdista. La mitad del pueblo estadounidense apoya la medida del separatismo para no tener que bregar con los distintos grupos dentro de su país.
Para aquellos con motivo para celebrar la muerte de los Estados Unidos de Norteamérica, el país de ficción puede ser mas peligroso como una nación dividida pues los Anglo-Americanos o Gringos odian a los Latinos, Afro-Americanos, Asiáticos, y La Nación Indígena.
Cada grupo tienen armas o la materia para fabricar armas. También no querrán más inmigrantes en su lugar. Para aquellos que creen en los Demócratas y los Republicanos, los EEUU no permitirá ni un inmigrante mas si un día sobrevive lo de Obama. Este país no quiere nadie que no son afro-americano ni Anglo-Sajones Americanos.
El latino incluyendo los nacido en EEUU o que han vivido la mayoría de su tiempo en el país de las maravillas deben pensar en América Latina como los Judíos piensan en Israel o buscar la manera de sobrevivir sin pensar en aquel vecino decrepito del norte. La razón es obvia que son el odio racial y étnico creado por los mismos Republicanos y Demócratas.
Ojala si Dios podía escuchar mi plegaria y colocar en el Continente Americano un gobierno libertario donde la responsabilidad va mano a mano con la libertad. En eso estamos en veremos.
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